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Dear participant,
Please fill in this registration form to join the 4th Baltic MSP Forum on 1-2 June that will take place online. Soon after the registration you will receive confirmation email about your participation and further instructions how to join the online event.
Please select the workshops you plan to attend. Find workshop descriptions HERE.
1 June - Workshop session 1 Workshop 1 - Fostering MSP through stakeholder involvement in national and international planning processes Workshop 2 - Measuring and integrating Blue growth in coastal and maritime spatial planning – the role of regional and local actors Workshop 3 - Marine Cultural Heritage (MCH) - challenging part of MSP 1 June – Workshop session 2 Workshop 4 - Maritime Spatial Planning, towards good environmental status of the Baltic Sea Workshop 5 - The role of MSP in supporting sustainable ocean Multi-Use and Blue Economy Workshop 6 - Land-sea interactions and values of local community 2 June – Workshop session 3 Workshop 7- Multi-level governance for the coast and the sea – the new normal? Workshop 8 - How to enhance tools for data driven decision making in MSP? Workshop 9 - MSP and Climate Change – from theory to practice in the Baltic Sea Region